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Frequently Asked Questions

Q. What is A2 cow ghee?

Ans. A2 cow ghee is prepared only from the milk of the desi cow breeds. Milk from jersey cow breeds are not considered.  There are different ways and techniques of preparing ghee. At Devasmay, we follow the Vedic process of making ghee and which is a little expensive over the other methods.

Q. How is A2 cow ghee prepared?

Ans. The complete process right from milking our indigenous Sahiwal Gaumata to bottling the ghee is done manually. Milking is done using the ancient traditional way of dohan (milking with hands). Once the calf is fed with the two Anchal, the other two Anchal are used for milking as prescribed in our vedic texts. The milk is collected in earthen vessels and then set aside for curdling. The curd is then manually churned using wooden sandalwood bilona slowly to derive makkan (white butter). The extracted makkan is then slowly heated on a Chulha (fireplace) on low temperature. Cowdung cakes and fireword is used as fuel for the Chulha. The golden liquid is separated, strained and bottled at 45 degrees Celsius to bring to you the purest form of A2 cow ghee.

Q. Why is Vedic cow ghee slightly expensive than other cow ghee?

Ans. It takes 28 - 30 litres of milk to produce one litre of pure A2 ghee. A2 cow milk is priced anywhere between Rs 60 to Rs 90 per litre. The daily yield is between 2 to 10 litres only. There are many factors including maintenance of the cows, the gaushalas, the farmland used for free grazing, cost of producing the ghee, labour, taxes and transportation.

Q. Why does Devasmay Forest honey crystallizes in certain regions?

Ans. Crystallization of honey will only happen if the honey is not heated. Devasmay Forest honey variants are pure and natural. They are only filtered and do not undergo the process of heating. Heat treated commercial honey removes almost all the natural constituents of honey along with other foreign particles, thereby hindering the process of crystallization. While in cases of pure and natural honey, only harmful foreign particles are separated using filters (no heat is applied). This retains 100% original properties of pure honey. There are several factors which impact the crystallization of Pure and Natural honey including temperature below 10 degrees celsius. Always store honey in air tight containers at room temperature to avoid crystallization

Q. Is crystallized honey safe for consumption?

Ans. Yes, crystallized honey is absolutely safe for consumption. Crystallization of honey is a way of preserving the natural characteristics, such as flavour and taste of liquid honey for longer period of time. The liquid consistency can be achieved by gently placing the bottle / container in warm water. It should never be directly heated as it would destroy the nutritional content and flavour of the honey. The temperature of the water should not be more than 40 degrees celsius.

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